Selected Stories

Six Immigrant Stories That Will Make You Believes in the American Dream Again
Immigrants are taking a beating on television, at political rallies, even on capitol hill. But on the Forbes 400, it’s a love story. We’ve never had more members–over 10%–born outside this country. That’s a healthy thing for American entrepreneurship and job growth.
New York City After Hurricane Sandy
The interview was in uptown Manhattan, where my subject had weathered the storm at a friend’s apartment. I live in Brooklyn. With no mass transit options and no bicycle, and cabs already filled to capacity with passengers, my only means of transport were my feet. My route would take me eight miles each way.
Hedge Fund Giant Louis Bacon's Bold Mission To Save The American West
In the main lodge of his Trinchera Blanca ranch in Colorado, Louis Bacon, the founder of the giant hedge fund firm Moore Capital Management, takes in his pristine and wild 172,000-acre tract from a plush leather chair. A ghost herd of animals–the heads of elk, mule deer, bison and bighorn sheep, a few of which he killed himself with a bow and arrow–silently watches over him from the surrounding walls.
You, Too, Can Play In A PGA Tour Pro-Am
A look at the PGA Tour pro-am. In no other major sport can an amateur actually play with a pro.
Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova: The Best Rivalry Ever?
Two decades after Evert and Navratilova’s last match against each other, it’s worth asking the question: was theirs the greatest rivalry in sports history?
I Killed An Elk. Am I A Murderer?
Killing an elk turned out to be more of an affecting experience for me than I ever thought possible.
The Irresistible Charm of Bubble Wrap
Bubble Wrap, the beloved protector of packages and purveyor of Pop! entertainment, gets a makeover.
Other Publications
The Everglades’ Wild Hope
The fate of the South’s last frontier teeters on the brink—after decades of losing ground to environmental devastation, the endangered Florida habitat and its legions of supporters may finally be turning the tide.
The Pursuit of Nick Saban: Alabama vs. Texas
A behind-the-scenes look at Nick Saban’s reported interest in taking over the Texas program after winning the national title at Alabama in the 2012 season.
When Salmon Return to the Margaree, It’s All Fly Rods and Autumn Glory
The river is public, and can get crowded, but anglers here on Cape Breton Island know it’s something special.